What lies behind the edge of the forest?

It is always interesting to find out what lies behind the edge of a forest

It is a view known to nearly everyone how has ever walked or hiked through a forest: The - well if you are lucky and have got nice weather - blue sky shining through some trees into the forest in front of you. It means that you made it to the edge of a wood and that there is something different lying behind. It can be everything that waits for you, from a field to a waste dump, from a beautiful view over a nice valley to an ugly industrial complex. On those last few steps, often suspense lies in the air. Especially if you are hiking the trail for the first time or you somehow got lost and have got not a single clue were you are.

The town Kundl in the Inn Valley
Well in that case, it is a view down the Inn Valley over a town called Kundl. The relatively small village is one of the economic centers in the whole region.